Get Followers for Instagram, More Real Likes App Reviews

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Coins arent refunding

Ive tried talking to these people numerous amounts of times to fix this glitch with the coins not refunding. Needs to be fixed

Dont download - scammed me!

I both earned and purchased followers. Minutes after I received them, a large majority started unfollowing me. They say they will refund you for the unfollowed, but they are lying through their teeth.

Mike keef

Take it back to iOS 7.0 because i got a iPhone 4


I thought this was an awesome app at first. However nothing they state actually happens. The followers I gained immediately unfollowed and no coins were returned once and not since then. I reached out trough the contact us and received a generic response well over a week ago. I will be filing charge backs and complaining to Apple about this third party.


It is verrry good


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It hacks your Instagram!!! Do not trust this app!!!


I thought this was awesome to begin with. I paid 9.99 two times and .99 and got around 700 followers and I was only following around 20. Logged in next day and day after. Pretty much 100+ had unfollowed and there were no coins refunded to me. Instead I unfollowed the 20 people I had and I am negative in coins. How is that fair? I sent a message in the contact support. Have not received a response. Wont be using it again.

Bugs unsolved.

Update: lost over 100 in the past 2 days with no refund. Bugs still havent been fix for weeks. Lately this app has a bug that makes you lose followers and dont get your refund back. I contacted them a few times about it and they were really nice giving me coins to make up, and said bugs will be fix soon, but it has been a while. Please fix bugs because The issue is still unsolved.


Tbh I really dont like this app. It needs lots of upgrading

Horrible, Please read before getting

Sorry if I could give zero I would. Also let me just say that all these reviews from "people" are either paid for or from the creator themselves AND NOT TO MENTION NOT EVEN RELEVANT. I wanted this app because of their whole "we refund the coin" so you have everlasting followers thing which is totally fake and Major FALSE advertising. I contacted them and they said theyre aware of the problem but nothing has happened. They do offer real people to follow you, Ill give them that, but exactly since they are real people and everyone wants to be insta-famous, (they all want followers with minimal people for them to follow), 2-3 out of 5 people who follow you will unfollow. And according to what this app says, you get the coins/credit you earned back, so that new people take the place of those who unfollowed you. It doesnt happen AT ALL.. Which is horrible if you pay for the plans they offer, which they offer reasonable ones, at good prices but, you wont get the followers you paid for. You lose more than half and no refund, so you pretty much just wasted money. They are really just false advertising this and even just doing the free stuff for followers isnt worth it because you still lose more than half the followers you gained and you dont get the credit back (that youre supposed to be getting) for new ones. :(

Very Expensive

$10 for just 200 followers??? This app charges a lot for followers that there is no guarantee will stay with you.


This app is the biggest scam Ive seen. Dont waste your money and time, all the new followers are fake profiles, you will never get coins back for the followers who unfollowed you, they will tell you is a bug theyre working on. All Lies.


At first, I thought it was amazing. Such a smart idea! So I followed everyone to get a lot of coins on the game. And all of the sudden, it said a pop up: YOU HAVE REACHED THE INSTAGRAM HOURLY LIMIT. I didnt understand what that meant, and when I clicked follow again it didnt do anything. I assumed I just ran into the limit. I logged back into Instagram, and decided I needed a cool profile picture. Most of the accounts are private, so I requested to follow them. And a pop up came up: You have been blocked from using this feature. So the app disabled my Instagram account. THANKS A LOT.

Wrong name?

Pretty sure my username is not WRONG. No matter how many times I tried and double checked it still kept saying my username is wrong. Lizduh2 has been my username for over 4 years soooo.....

Ripped off

Paid $9.99 for 500+ followers. Only received 250. Contacted the app makers and was promised a refunded that never came. Contacted Apple and never heard back. Shame on you.

Best app ever

This app is amazing you dont have to spend any money if you dont want to plus you get followers so fast it got me 50 in just a few minutes this is the best app ever


Your followers unfollow you. You lose coins with each unfollow. And Id never re-download this app

Total scam.

Your followers go away after a day. These reviews are all 100% fake. Just take a look at them, theyre saying a bunch of random, crazy stuff. It doesnt take a genius to figure it out. Dont even bother with this app


I purchased it twice the first time worked the second time It didnt, all the my followers I accumulated from the app are now going down in numbers. I wrote to the app, they wrote back and said there is a BUG in the app. And I will be refunded all coins once the new version is uploaded. Who knows when that will be I am writing to Apple I want a refund!! DO NOT BUY THIS.

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