Stop allowing these robot reviews through! And anyone reading this, read through all the reviews first, some are genuine but so many literally dont even make sense! Its just a jumbled run on sentence and after a few, you will notice the same "reviews" begin to repeat... As for the actual quality of the app, what another reviewer said is correct. People unfollow you and you DONT get your rightful coin refund. But worse I think is that even though Im not getting refunded for my unfollows they still take my coin when I unfollow (even though I only unfollowed people who unfollowed me...), not fair at all. If that system was working correctly & fairly I would honestly give them a good review. That, plus getting put off by all these fake reviews that I hadnt originally noticed brings it down to a 2 star...
Bookcraft about Get Followers for Instagram, More Real Likes, v2.0.1